Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

With the promise of NYE parties, sequined dresses, a new pair of stilettoes and a kiss at midnight – I still managed to find myself plopped on the couch, snuggled up with my dog. Lame! There may or may not have been a pint of Ben and Jerry’s involved as well ;) Anylamenight, there’s something about the first of the year that gives me (and I’m not alone here) the hope that the slate has been cleaned, wrongs can be righted and I can be anything I want to be in 2012.

That’s correct… it’s resolution time!! As Bethany knows, I can make lists all year long of the magical things I want to accomplish. So here I am with the start of my list. Happy New Year everyone!!! 
Resolution (#1)
It wouldn’t be fair to leave this one out. It’s time to get back into the workout routine and get my grocery list back on track. Day 2 and I’m still doing good J

 Of course I will reward my good progress with new and improved workout gear!

And keep repeating this in my head each morning when I wake up at 5:30am for my first workout of the day.


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