Hiya fellow PWC'ers!! Back from a long respite and fully recharged, we've returned to deliver a healthy dose of the goings-on in good ole' Prince William County, Virginia.
A timely return as our wonderful county saw a lot of action today: citizens exercising their constitutional rights during the November 2nd election. Hope you all got out to vote...'cause I sure didn't. I started off the day with the best of intentions, even dug through some last minute campaign information to uproot any game-changing activity -- only to fail miserably at voicing my proverbial (don't worry, I won't go Danielle Staub on you) opinion. Hope you guys were better citizens of this county than I was. Wrists considered slapped.
At any rate, please feel free to message us if you have any ideas on guest blogs or topics for the upcoming posts. We want to dive right in. We're hoping to feature a column on PWC Momma's, so please let us know if you have an idea for a mom-friendly guest spot. Also, let us know if you have any Virtual Yard Sale items to post - we'd like to get that back up and running. It's free of cost to you and an extra avenue to generate traffic to your unwanted's.
You can find us at wives.pwcounty@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page - Real Housewives of Prince William County!!
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