Friday, November 18, 2011

Week in Review: FINALLY FRIDAY!

TGIF!!  This week has proven a bit tumultuous locally and nationally.

#1  - this weather might need a mood stabilizer pill.  We've gone from 75 to 35 and everything in between.  Come on November, get your act together.

#2 - A lot of fatal crashes in the NOVA area this week, our thoughts go out to the families and friends affected.

#3 - The bulldog has successfully recovered from her ophthalmic surgery and was able to participate in "Bring your Monkey to Work Day"

#4 - I am looking forward to a mock run with a twist on Saturday - Drunksgiving with friends.  We're bring the oyster stuffing and stuff for girlie cocktails. 

#5 - Last but most importantly, Breaking Dawn came out this morning at 12 am.  While I can no longer "hang" with the 16 year olds in attendance at the midnight showing, I am literally biting my nails in anticipation of the 7:30pm showing tonight.  My buds and I got tickets a few weeks ago and Bella and Edward better not disappoint.  Personally, I'm hoping for a bit of "action" if you know what I mean… (think Edward's six-pack).  And, I'm probably most excited to see Edward's car in this one - CUZ I HAVE the same one and have been getting emails from the car company for  month advertising it!   It's like I knew, or something, when I bought it in July that Edward drove this car.  It makes it SUPER awesome for me, cuz I'm a dork for Twilight (and Harry Potter while we're on the subject). Don't judge.

Have a great weekend!


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